Sunday, September 4, 2011

Reader draft of War-sky Rising is DONE!

For the two of you out there that follow this blog: After a nice, round, ten years in the making, I just finished the umpteenth draft of War-sky Rising (who's title may still change)

It topped out at 163 pages, single spaced; 79,945 words.

Because it's way beyond 'second draft' or any other sort of counting, I've just titled it the 'reader draft' meaning: other (select) people may read it and offer insight for final edits before I start trying to market this suckah.



Marcelo Vignali said...


bluffviewdave said...

There are at least three of us.


Anonymous said...

Can I buy it yet? Of course, this was in 2011...and it is now 2013...and you seem to be very focused on Quickpaw....I don't know, but I'm still holding out on War-sky rising xD