Friday, October 21, 2011

CTN Animation Expo

I'll be in Burbank, CA in November for the CTN Animation Expo!

I'm excited, it looks like a lot of artists I've admired for a long time will be there. I'm signed up for the presentations by Terryl Whitlatch, Bobby Chiu, Carlos Grangel, and of course, Marcelo Vignali.

The expo is also incentive to finish my senior project before then so I can have it in my portfolio, and maybe bring a couple books of it with me to give out (we'll see if that comes to pass)

The image is the latest installment of my senior project: Emperor Tane ticks off a guardian dragon, and manages to get himself saddled with a quest. More or less.


Minghei said...

sweet! I wish I was going to an animation expo!

Ghostcharmer said...

wow! that's amazing! i love the contrast so that the glowy bits really glow!